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The new normal continues to usher in newly-defined digital experiences. A range of industries—such as healthcare, education, finance, retail, logistics, and even manufacturing—must leverage technology to reimagine how they communicate with consumers throughout the journey. And they must engage consumers who now embrace digital in a whole new way.


Consumers expect brands to seamlessly reach them on their preferred platform and device—video, voice, SMS, chat, etc.—without losing that personal touch. How do brands like yours manage these digital demands, build awesome conversations with customers, and make them your advocates?


Join us for a 4-hour virtual and localized event to connect, network, and learn how programmable communications can help you win in the new era. With over 25 sessions and showcases plus APAC-friendly hours, you can customise an agenda full of dynamic keynotes, educational demos, access to new tools and resources, and social time.


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Agenda and Schedule

4 hours of compelling content with on-demand 24/7 availability for the rest of 2020. 


Schedule shown is in Singapore/Beijing time.


11:30 am – 12:00 pm SGT

Check in and visit Exhibit Hall for Showcases


12 pm – 12:20 pm SGT

Opening keynote


12:20 pm – 12:40 pm SGT

Experience live, interactive demo


12:40 pm – 12:50 pm SGT

Visit Exhibit Hall for Showcases


12:50 pm – 1:35 pm SGT

Breakout Session 1: Build Conversations

Five virtual breakout rooms, with 15 sessions

Each 15-minute session spans diverse programmable channels and use cases: Voice API, Video API, Messages API, SMS API, Conversation API, Verify API (two-factor authentication), and AI chatbot


2 pm – 2:30 pm SGT

Breakout Session 2: Customer Stories

Five virtual breakout rooms, with 10 sessions

Each 15-minute session features customer experience innovators and technologists


2:30 pm – 2:45 pm SGT

Ask-Me-Anything Live Session: Get your questions answered live by our experts


2:45 pm – 3:30 pm SGT

Visit Exhibit Hall for Showcases


3:30 pm SGT

END, thank you for attending


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